we are trying to use integrator server and as per the doc we are copying the clover-license.war file into [tomcat_home]/webapps directory and then trying to run the tomcat server. but we are facing the following error
2013-01-16 07:09:26,540 INFO [b] trying to load license from webapp context /
2013-01-16 07:09:26,540 INFO [b] Unable to load license from context ‘/clover
2013-01-16 07:09:26,540 WARN [b] Cannot init license; server will run unlicen
d; No license source available!"
let us know how to proceed
Hi, Swathi,
please, try to use the second way of license installation - using license.dat file. See http://doc.cloveretl.com/documentation/UserGuide/topic/com.cloveretl.server.docs/docs/tomcat.html, paragraph named Installation of CloverETL Server License. Copy license.dat file somewhere on your server and edit [tomcat_home]/conf/Catalina/localhost/clover.xml file. Add a new parameter here with value set to absolute path to license.dat, something like
<Parameter name="license.file" value="/home/lubos/license.dat" override="false" />
(In case of Server being installed on Windows machine, use slashes instead of backslashes.)
Please, let me know, if this does not help you.
Best regards,
Hi Lubos Imriska,
First of all when the .war files are deployed i find no clover.xml file at [tomcat_home]/conf/Catalina/localhost/clover.xml location. Only ROOT.xml is found. I tried changing in the ROOT.xml file only. But even now am getting the same error.
Let me know how to resolve this.
Hi, Swathi,
just to be sure, I will guide you through the whole installation process.
1. I have a clear tomcat installation, no applications, no changes, no additional files yet.
2. I download clover.war and clover-license.dat and copy them both into [tomcat_home]/webapps/
3. I run [tomcat_home]/bin/startup.sh or [tomcat_home]/bin/startup.bat
4. Server is deployed, a directory named clover is created automatically in [tomcat_home]/webapps.
5. Server is available on url localhost:8080/clover/, it is possible to log in, just a warning about expired license is shown.
6. I stop the Server.
7. I modify the file [tomcat_home]/conf/Catalina/localhost/clover.xml. It was created during clover.war deployment in the step nr. 4. (If the file does not exist because of some strange coincidence, please, create it in this specific location.)
8. I run the Server again via startup script.
This is the whole content of clover.xml file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Context path="/clover" crossContext="true">^
<Manager pathname=""/>
<Parameter name="license.file" value="c:/CloverETL/34m1-server/apache-tomcat-6.0.35/webapps/clover-license.dat" override="false" />
note: Your location of license file could be slightly different, of course.
I hope it is clear now. If not, please, let me know in which point are you lost.
Best regards,
Hi Lubos Imriska,
Thanks for the deatailed steps. Appreciate your help. We find that the problem is may be cos of two tomcat instances running parallely on a sigle machine. we need a stand alone server for integrator server and studio in endeca also runs on the same server. we actully tries changing the ports in conf/server.xml which is not helping us out.
any suggestions regarding this ?
Hi Lubos Imriska,
I could successfully run integrator server
the issue was with two tomcat servers running on same machine 
thanks for the help.