Hi folks,
I need your help and I hope you can help me.
Short description of my situation:
I’m gonna evaluate clover.ETL as one of several open source etl tools. Therefore I wanna have clover.ETL and GUI running on my environment. My problem is, that I can’t download and install clover.GUI within eclipse, because the network policies of my company doesn’t allow me that process(ports are closed, so connection to:“http://www.clovergui.net/eval-update” is refused, ergo download and installation are not possible).
But from other projects I know that downloaded and installed Eclipse plugins are archived under:
Eclipse x.x
- configuration[folder]
- …[folder]
- plugins[folder] - here (as folder or *.jar file)
- …[file]
I don’t have no other choice than downloading and installing that plugin beyond our network and copying and pasting the archived folder/file.
Would you please help me and tell me, how and where the clover.GUI plugin you ve installed is archived? I would appreciate your comments.

best regards
when you go to update site by web browser you can see there files and directories. You need to copy jar files from feature directory to the feature directory in your eclipse installation folder and from the plugins directory to the plugins directory in your eclipse installation folder. After restarting eclipse Clover.GUI should be available.
Hi avackova,
Thx a lot. It’s running. That was a real helpfull post. Thx
I am evaluating three oss etl tools. The last 4 weeks, I was evaluating Talend and Kettle. Now, it’s Clover ETL’s turn. But when I wanted to start eclipse with Clover, there were error messages “evaluation version expired…”. So I thaught, I just have to re-install eclipse und add in the Clover GUI components. But it doesn’t work. So I wanted copy all jar files from the “http://www.clovergui.net/eval-update” site to the feature directory again, but my loggin datas aren’t valid anymore. What should I do?
Do I need to create a new account, sothat I can download Clover GUI again?
Please, I need your help.
Thanks and regards,
Ryann Stamm
Hi folks,
are there maybe some problems with your website, which would also affect the CloverGUI download?
Ryann Stamm
you can’t use/download CloverGUI when your license has expired. Ask for license prolongation or register as new user.