I quite like Clover ETL after playing around with it. However it’s designed to be run on the command line (all those System.out.printlns
and I’d like to use it as a library. I’d be quite happy to make these fairly minor changes so that it could run as a library as well as from the command line.
Also there’s a FileNotFoundException I’d like to throw in one of the files.
However it appears the SVN repository is out of action, I couldn’t connect either browsing or SVN checkout.
If you’re interested in this, let me know.
Good product guys
Auf wiedersehn
Oops, i’m sorry, i was too tired yesterday, my real e-mail is zatopek.martin@seznam.cz.
Thanks for difs, Martin.
No worries Martin - I’ll send the changes - it’ll take about a week or two.
I’ll send you diffs so you can make patches. If this isn’t sufficient, let me know. You can email me on pauln@ablazesoftware.co.nz .
Looking forward also to 1.9 if it’s going to have multiple TransformationGraph instances.
I agree. CloverETL is a *great* app.
At my job, we have senior Java developers. They agree that CloverETL is very powerful because of its low foot-print.
But they studied the Javadoc and they think the same thing. They would like to be able to call from a JAR-like library specific funtions (lookup, filter etc…) from their own app.
For instance, it is possible to parse a flat file in Java with StringTokenizer() but it requires a lot of coding. Instead, it would great to make a library call to DELIMITED_DATA_READER_NIO().
Regarding the command line issue, it is a very big problem for our team. We use QUARTZ to for job scheduling and we have write individual classes this way:
void run() {
org.jetel.main.runGraph.main(new String {“-v”, “/clover/jobs/ETL_1.grf”})
The problem in doing this is that it makes it very difficult to debug.
Hello Paul.
We hope that clover is also usable for library not only for command line running 
Please send me your changes (martin.zatopek@seznam.cz) and i will attache them to the trunk. Thanks.