We are using an UniversalDataWriter to put data into AWS S3 service. We have a request to encrypt the data we store.
I am suspecting cloverETL uses AWS CLI toolkit, or the AWS java toolkit to upload the files to s3. Somehow we need to pass extra headers to signal AWS we want the data server side encrypted at rest
Is there a way we can pass additional those parameters and headers, or configure the toolkit to encrypt the data?
At the moment there is only one way to enable SSE (server-side encryption) and when activated will encrypt all newly created files to S3. Since CloverETL uses JetS3t library to communicate with Amazon S3, you can use the attached jar files to encrypt freshly created files.
If you use CloverETL Designer only, please copy the attached file jets3t.jar into the Runtime classpath (Window - Preferences - ETL Runtime - User Classpath) of CloverETL Designer.
If you use CloverETL Server, please copy the attached file jetS3t.jar to a classpath directory. For example, if you are using Tomcat, please copy this file into <tomcat_home>/lib directory and restart your server.
edit: We don’t use the JetS3t library for S3 connections, we have since replaced it with Amazon SDK, but we have maintained the backward compatibility