
Je travail sur l’outil cloverETL pour génerer un fichier xls a partir d’une table et un autre fichier xls, ces deux source de données vont etre charger dans mon ficher xls cible (xsl_WRITER) qui est déja existant et qui contient des données.

Mon probleme est lors de l’execution du graphe ETL j’ai un problème d’encodage sur les données qui existe déja ex (é se transforme en ?).

Merci pour votre aide

I’m sorry, we don’t understand french. Could you please repeat you question in english? Thanks!


Good morning,

I work with the cloverETL tool to generate a file xls has leave a table and another file xls, this two source of data are going to be make responsible in my do xls target (Xsl_WRITER) who is already existent and who contains data.

My problem is during the execution of graph ETL I have a problem of encoding on data which already exists ex (’ é ’ is transformed in '? ').

I inform you that I job on an operating system unix and a spreadsheet openoffice.

Thank you for your help.

you most probably need to set the “charset” parameters of the components to the encoding of your documents (maybe UTF8 ?)


I changed the charset but I always have the same problem.

I think that I have a problem in the component XLS_WRITER. I specified in ownership URL Spins the way of the file xls which contains the names of fields for exemple prénom (name), nationalité (nationality), and I top up data has leave XLS_READER and a table in XLS_WRITER (xls file).

After the execution of graph, fields prénom is transformed in ’ pr? nom ’ and nationalité in ’ nationalit? ', problem is in the component XLS_WRITER, I can not specified the encoding of the file xls.

thank you

can you enable debug on the edge leading to the XLS writer and look at the data which flows there? Are they correct? If yes then the problem is that you currently cannot specify charset on a XLS Writer, which uses the system charset. And the system charset might not support the characters you want to write.



I have this problem on data which already exists in the file xls (target file) not in data to charge has leave from the source (file xls and table).

Thanks a lot

I’m sorry but I’m not sure what is the question…



I want to know data why who already exists in the file xls target do not keep source encoding afterwards add it of new data ???.


the data were probably written originally with different encoding that you use with clover.