The SpreadsheetDataWriter does not work on CloverDX Server 5.5

Works fine on my local machine. However, it fails when we run it on the CloverDX Server.

I have attached a simple graph that illustrates the problem.

Run it locally. It will run fine.
Copy it to the server and run it. It will fail.

------------------------------------------ Error details --------------------------------------------
Component [SpreadsheetDataWriter:SPREADSHEET_DATA_WRITER] finished with status ERROR. (In0: 3 recs)
Unexpected null value.
Phase 0 post-execution failed.
Component [SPREADSHEET_DATA_WRITER:SpreadsheetDataWriter] - Component post-execution failed.
Unexpected null value.

This request has been resolved via email.

Some linux machines miss a library required by CloverDX - fontconfig. Installing it did the trick:

apt install fontconfig

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