Is it possible to read the properties from the graph file, BEFORE loading it. I am trying to get a list of the properties in the XML file to present to the user as configurable variables. Once the user has filled in the values, I then load the graph with these variables.
Here is the code I am using to get the properties at the moment, but I get warnings about the properties not being defined
try {
EngineInitializer.initEngine("plugins", null, null);
TransformationGraph graph = TransformationGraphXMLReaderWriter.loadGraph(graphXMLFile, runtimeContext.getAdditionalProperties());
TypedProperties currentGraphProperties = graph.getGraphProperties();
System.out.println("Properties = " + currentGraphProperties);
} catch (XMLConfigurationException xmle){
System.out.println("BuyerAdaptor Upload - graph XMLConfigurationException " + xmle);
} catch (GraphConfigurationException gce) {
System.out.println("BuyerAdaptor Upload - graph GraphConfigurationException" + gce);
WARN 16-06 13:18:29,136 (PropertyRefResolver.java:resolveRef2:214) -Can't resolve reference to graph property: SUPPLIER.FILE.ID