To Xml

i am building a graph in a jave program and i wanted to see it visualy in my trial version of the CloverGUI i am using the following code to use the GraphXMLReaderWriter to out put the graph:

transformGraph.setTrackingInterval(1000 * 1); //time in milliseconds

TransformationGraphXMLReaderWriter xmlWriter = new TransformationGraphXMLReaderWriter(transformGraph);
try {
DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();
Document doc = db.newDocument();

OutputFormat format = new OutputFormat( doc ); //Serialize DOM
StringWriter stringOut = new StringWriter(); //Writer will be a String
XMLSerializer serial = new XMLSerializer( stringOut, format );
serial.asDOMSerializer(); // As a DOM Serializer


System.out.println( "STRXML = " + stringOut.toString() ); //Spit out DOM as a String
} catch ( Exception ex ) {

However when i try to open this in the CloverGUI i just get a error message saying: Graph loading error: null

what changes to the GraphXMLReaderWriter output do i need or can it be done.

this is the output of the graph that i get:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

truetrue<Node id=“srbrecrAddSourceFields” joinKey=“prospect_pidm=SRBRECR_PIDM” joinType=“leftOuter” slaveDuplicates=“false” transform=“//#TL function transform() { $ProspectRawFields.prospect_pidm := $Prospect.prospect_pidm; $ProspectRawFields.SRBRECR_LEVL_CODE := $srbrecrSelectedFields.SRBRECR_LEVL_CODE : “UG”; $ProspectRawFields.SRBRECR_CAMP_CODE := $srbrecrSelectedFields.SRBRECR_CAMP_CODE : “U”; $ProspectRawFields.SRBRECR_COLL_CODE := $srbrecrSelectedFields.SRBRECR_COLL_CODE : “UP”; }” type=“MERGE_JOIN”/>

at first sight idea of your code snippet is right. However code in TransformationFrapgXMLReaderWriter.write() method is not maintained. If you look carefully at output of this method, it doesn’t contain for example edges, metadata etc. So if you want you can dive inside of this functionality and finish this part of project, but this feature hasn’t high priority in our task list.
