I am trying to use the JMSWriter component in a graph. I have set up a JMSConnection with the following properties:
Initial Ctx Factory Class: org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFactory
URL: localhost:1099
Connection Factory JNDI Name: ConnectionFactory
Destination JNDI: queue/testQueue
When I test the connection with the above parameters, I get an “Cannot find destination queue/testQueue/testDest_XXXXXX in initial context”. The XXXXXX is a random number that gets generated each time I check the connection.
I am using the JBossMQ server as the JMS provider here. To make sure that the JMS server was working correclty, I created a sample sender/receiver class and tested the JMS functionality and it works fine.
Why can’t I connect to the queue from Clover using the JMSWriter?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.