Hey folks. I’m having issues getting the JMS Connection to work. In glassfish I created a TopicConnectionFactory called jms/TopicFactory, and a jms destination resource called jsm/topic. I got a simple example chat program to work using a jndi.properties file containing:
java.naming.factory.initial = com.sun.enterprise.naming.SerialInitContextFactory
java.naming.provider.url = tcp://localhost:11060
connectionFactoryNames = jms/TopicFactory
topic.topic1 = jms/topic
In CloverETL I imported the libraries needed, I believe. The InitialContextFactory I used above shows up (I’ve seen com.sun.appserv.naming.S1ASCtxFactory referenced in some docs, but it wouldn’t work for the chat program).
When I try to validate a JMS connection, I get “Cannot create initial context” unless I use com.sun.enterprise.repository.RepositoryInitContextFactory. Then I get “Cannot create initial context; jms/TopicFactory not found”
I have to admit I’m new to JMS and JNDI (not to mention CloverETL), so I’m not entirely sure what to put in the fields that CloverETL is presenting to me.
What I have now is:
Initial ctx factory class: com.sun.enterprise.repository.RepositoryInitContextFactory
URL: tcp://localhost:11060
Connection factory JNDI name: jms/TopicFactory
Destination JNDI: ???
I feel like I’m shooting in the dark at the moment. Any help would be appreciated.