I have a very conventional CSV file, fields enclosed in double quotes and then separated by commas. Some fields have commas in them, so the straight forward comma delimiter isn’t working. I’m using the community edition with the universal data reader. What’s the best way to specify the delimiters when defining meta data?
Here’s a sample record from the csv file.
“2”,“70698”,“1”,“21”,“Downfield Road”,“Hertford Heath”,“Hertfordshire”,“SG13 7RX”,“SG13 7RX”,“265000”,“Reduced to”,“House - terraced”,“0”,“2”,“2”,“Two bedroom mid-terrace property with two reception rooms, en-suite to master bedroom and separate downstairs shower room. Close to village green in Hertford Heath.”,“01/Nov/2010 16:14”,“”,“”,“”,“”,“”,“”,“”,“”,“”,“”,“”,“”,“”,“”,“”,“”,“”,“”,“”,“”,“”,“”,“”,“”,“”,“”,“”,“”,“”,“”,“”,“14”,“2”,“0”,“A”,“1”,“1”,“1”,“0”,“20690700”,“53”,“66”,“53”,“67”,“3”,“”,“”,“”,“0”,“0”,“0”,“0”,“”,“Downfield Road, Hertford Heath, Hertfordshire”,“2”,“0”,“0”,“http://www.vebra.com/details/property/22815/20690700”,“”