Delimited FlatFile Reader - New to Clover

I am taking a spreadsheet and exporting to csv format.

eg. Orderid, Comment, ItemName

Field delimiter is comma
Orderid - is numeric
Comment - is string
ItemName - is string

Comment may itself contain comma in which case, excel will output double quotes around the string.

e.g. Comment - 111,“This order is, for john”,TV

I need a way to give optional double quote as the delimeter for Comment column.

Is there a way to do that?

thanks for your support,
mohan s.


Sorry I did not make it clear. It is for reading a text file (saved as csv from excel) and the delimited file reader is complaining that :

Field too long or can not find delimiter [\r\n]
when parsing record #1 field Field116,

One thing I looking at was comma is my delimiter and the Comment column contains comma withing double quotes.

Should I need to do anything special with the format of the data file reader. Currently all mentioned, each field has a comma delimiter and the last column has “\r\n” as the delimiter.

mohan s.

Just a short note:

It is much more efficient (faster) to use “concat()” function to combine more than two strings.
When “+” (plus) operator is used, the operation is
divided into several partial string concatenations, which take far more time than single function call.


Hello Mohan.

Ok, so first step I can advise you is replacing Delimted Data Reader for Universal Data Reader with same settings. You can also send us first line of your data and we can test even Delimited data reader for this case and eventually fix this component. My e-mail address is


Hello Mohan,
from your post I’m not sure what exactly you want to do - read or write quoted strings? I don’t see any problem in reading - almost all clover readers handle quoted strings. Writing this type of data is not direct supported yet. Consider using reformat component in this way to solve your issue:

//#TL function transform(){ $0.FieldX:="\\"" + $RecordName.FieldX + "\\""; }
