New to Clover GUI

How do I set WorkSpace through the eclipse GUI?

While running the sample graph, I am getting an error like:

DEBUG [WatchDog] - Opening input file ${WORKSPACE}/data/orders.dat
FileURL attribute (${WORKSPACE}/data/orders.dat) doesn’t contain valid file url.
at org.jetel.util.MultiFileReader.init(
at org.jetel.component.DelimitedDataReader.init(

Which points to not setting the workspace stuff via eclipse.

YOur help is greatly appreciated,

mohan s.

Hello Mohan.

Property WORKSPACE is usally used in our sample graphs as a prefix for all relative paths. This property is loaded from external parameter file workspace.prm, where you should setup absolute path to your workspace before first run.

I presume that we will prepare new easy-going example workspace for the following gui release.

Best regards, Martin.