Is there any guide to improve the performance of CloverServer. Such as some parameters in the tomcat server.
I also see some settings in the cloverETL. Can we do the same thing for Clover Server?
http://doc.cloveretl.com/documentation/ … tings.html
The way of improving performance depends on difficulties you are experiencing. CloverServer is basically JVM process, so you can tune operating system, JVM process, Tomcat, CloverServer or CloverEngine.
Setting parameters in the Tomcat server is described here http://doc.cloveretl.com/documentation/UserGuide/index.jsp?topic=/com.cloveretl.server.docs/docs/tomcat.html in the section Configuration of CloverETL Server on Apache Tomcat. The list of possible configuration properties is here http://doc.cloveretl.com/documentation/UserGuide/topic/com.cloveretl.server.docs/docs/list-of-properties.html.
You can use clover server config property “engine.config.file” to replace default engine config file bundled in clover.war (Web GUI → Configuration → CloverETL Info).
Next, you can set some java options (for example very important heap size and permgen size) in setenv.bat or setenv.sh, more info on the Tomcat site above, in the Installation of CloverETL Server section.
It is also possible to set some properties of a graph by choosing some graph in Web GUI → Sandboxes → Config properties.
Best regards,