Our accounting system often pads strings with spaces. I have to trim() strings all of the time. Usually I realize it when my graph fails.
Using Record Functions, I created a very simple Reformat component that trims all of the strings in the input data. It is generic, and works with any metadata. It saves me a lot of time and trouble.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Graph author="phb05" created="Thu Nov 30 08:26:24 EST 2017" guiVersion="4.1.0" id="1512056374486" licenseCode="CLP1DHEALT49098262BY" licenseType="Commercial" modified="Thu Nov 30 08:26:24 EST 2017" modifiedBy="phb05" name="Default graph name" revision="1.0" showComponentDetails="false">
<GraphParameter name="__CLOVER_OriginalGraphName" value="/Work in Progress/graph/trimstrings.grf"/>
<Phase number="0">
<Node guiName="Trim Strings" guiX="269" guiY="318" id="TRIM_STRINGS" type="REFORMAT">
<attr name="transform"><![CDATA[//#CTL2
// Transforms input record into output record.
integer columncounter;
function integer transform() {
/* first copy all fields */
/* Then trim the strings */
for(columncounter = 0; columncounter < length($in.0); columncounter++)
if (getFieldType($in.0, columncounter) == "string")
setStringValue($out.0,columncounter, trim(getStringValue($in.0, columncounter))); /* set to the trimmed string value */
} // end for next
return ALL;
<attr name="guiDescription"><![CDATA[Find strings in the metadata and trim them]]></attr>