Reformat - replace on all the fields

In the reformat I want to do a replace on all the fields in one go:
Say for example,

function integer transform() {
$out.0.* = replace($in.0.*,"abcdefg","abc");
return ALL;

But when I use the above code it throws error as “Function replace(string,string,string) is not applicable for the arguments (record(TRN_045_ROL_TYPE),string,string)”.

Can you pls help me on this?


You can try the following code example, it will let you replace all fields in go:

// Transforms input record into output record.
function integer transform() {
	integer count = 0;
	while(count < length($in.0))
	return ALL;


As you see from the error message:

Function replace(string,string,string) is not applicable for the arguments (record(TRN_045_ROL_TYPE),string,string)".

You cannot change all of the fields in one single operation. You will have to step through the fields one by one.


// Transforms input record into output record.
integer columncounter;

function integer transform() {
   /* first copy all fields */
/* Then step through the fields */
   for(columncounter = 0; columncounter < length($in.0); columncounter++)
   if (getFieldType($in.0, columncounter) == "string")  
      setStringValue($out.0,columncounter, replace(getStringValue($in.0, columncounter),"abcdef","abc"));
   } // end for next
   return ALL;