<DBConnection> is not getting parsed/ saved

When I try to add " " in graph as given below, The graph could not be saved and it deletes the node …what s the mistake in this code.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> create table EMPLOYEE ( EMP\_NO NUMBER not null, FIRST\_NAME VARCHAR2(15) not null, LAST\_NAME VARCHAR2(20) not null, PHONE\_EXT VARCHAR2(4), HIRE\_DATE DATE not null, DEPT\_NO CHAR(3) not null, JOB\_CODE VARCHAR2(5) not null, JOB\_GRADE NUMBER(4,2) not null, JOB\_COUNTRY VARCHAR2(15) not null, SALARY NUMBER(15,2) not null, FULL\_NAME VARCHAR2(35) ); insert into employee values(2,'Robert','Nelson','250',28/12/1988,'600','VP',2.0,'USA',105900.0,'Nelson, Robert'); insert into employee values(4,'Bruce','Young','233',28/12/1988,'621','Eng',2.0,'USA',97500.0,'Young, Bruce'); insert into employee values(5,'Kim','Lambert','22',06/02/1989,'130','Eng',2.0,'USA',102750.0,'Lambert, Kim'); insert into employee values(8,'Leslie','Johnson','410',05/04/1989,'180','Mktg',3.0,'USA',64635.0,'Johnson, Leslie'); insert into employee values(9,'Phil','Forest','229',17/04/1989,'622','Mngr',3.0,'USA',75060.0,'Forest, Phil');

2. Again, i want to use as follows instead of using .cfg file. Is there any mistake in given node:

DBConnection is unknown graph element. DB Connection must be defined as Connection with type=“JDBC” (see Connections), so your connection should look like:

<Connection dbConfig="interbase.cfg" id="Interbase" type="JDBC"/>


<Connection type="JDBC" id="InterbaseDB" dbDriver="oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver" dbURL="jdbc:oracle://" user="scott" password="tiger" />

I find dbConfig=“interbase.cfg”. Do we need this .cfg file when we are giving all database details in db connection node. What ned to be written in this cfg file ?

DB connection can be defined internally in the graph - all needed properties are directly in graph or externally - all properties are in external file and in the graph you have only the path to this external file. So, as I’ve written above, your connection definition in graph should look like:

<Connection dbConfig="interbase.cfg" id="Interbase" type="JDBC"/>

with the interbase.cfg content:



<Connection type="JDBC" id="InterbaseDB" dbDriver="oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver" dbURL="jdbc:oracle://" user="scott" password="tiger" />


The update query in a graph with DB Execute is not getting executed where the same query is running form sql plus:

<Node dbConnection=“Connection0” enabled=“enabled” guiName=“DBExecute” type=DB_EXECUTE" id=“DB_EXECUTE0”>
<![CDATA[UPDATE tableA set DATE_A = TO_DATE(‘12-12-2007 22:22:22’, ‘DD-MM-YYYY HH24:MI:SS’) WHERE TABLE_NAME=‘abc’]]>

If I replace the update with insert query its running fine.

any suggestion where can be the problem…

I executed this node and the table was updated. Do you have proper name in where clause (lower/upper case)?
What CloverETL version do you use?
Can you show whole your graph?