I have been trying to reproduce the example about DBInputTable from the wiki (http://wiki.cloveretl.org/doku.php?id=c … inputtable) programmatically:
I translated:
<Property id="GraphParameter0" name="param1" value="A%"/>
<Node id="INPUT" type="DB_INPUT_TABLE" dbConnection="NorthwindDB" DataPolicy="Strict" fetchSize="1000">
<attr name="SQLCode">
select * from employee_z where last_name = '${param1}'
graph.getGraphProperties().put("param1", "Arthur");
Node nodeParser = new DBInputTable("INPUT", "NorthwindDB",
"select * from employee_z where last_name = '${param1}'");
However it fails with the following exception:
java.sql.SQLException: Non supported SQL92 token at position: 232: param1
at org.jetel.connection.jdbc.SQLDataParser.setDataSource(SQLDataParser.java:300)
at org.jetel.component.DBInputTable.execute(DBInputTable.java:247)
at org.jetel.graph.Node.run(Node.java:388)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:619)
Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Non supported SQL92 token at position: 232: param1
This works:
select * from employee_z where last_name = 'Arthur'
Is the wiki still current?