Can't get Web Service Mapping to return any data

I am using the WS Client in 3.0.0 r711563.

I have a WS request, that runs and returns a response. It all works fine in SOAP UI.

In Clover though I can’t get any of the mapping to work. I’ve used this component before with no issues.

My request:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ns="" xmlns:typ="">
      <Request xmlns:ns2="" 
    <SelectedRefinementFilter Name="DimDate_CalendarYear" Spec="2006"/>
    <SearchFilter Key="All">frame</SearchFilter>
  <ContentElementConfig xmlns:xsi="" 
   xsi:type="LQLConfig" Id="EQL" 
           RETURN "results" AS SELECT COUNT(1) AS 
           numtransactions group by DimDate_MonthName

The Response:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
      <cs:Results xmlns:cs="" xmlns:mdex="">
            <State xmlns="" xmlns:ns2="" xmlns:soap="">
               <SelectedRefinementFilter Name="DimDate_CalendarYear" Spec="2006"/>
               <SearchFilter Key="All">frame</SearchFilter>
            <ContentElementConfig xsi:type="LQLConfig" Id="EQL" HandlerNamespace="" HandlerFunction="LQLHandler" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="">
               <LQLQueryString xmlns:ns2="" xmlns:soap="">RETURN "results" AS SELECT COUNT(1) AS 
           numtransactions group by DimDate_MonthName
DEFINE Base AS SELECT "Class" AS "Class", "Color" AS "Color", "DaysToManufacture" AS "DaysToManufacture", "DealerPrice" AS "DealerPrice", "Description" AS "Description", "DimDate_CalendarQuarter" AS "DimDate_CalendarQuarter", "DimDate_CalendarSemester" AS "DimDate_CalendarSemester", ...
         <cs:ContentElement xsi:type="cs:LQL" Id="EQL" xmlns:xsi="">
            <cs:ResultRecords NumRecords="2" Name="results">
               <cs:AttributeMetadata name="DimDate_MonthName" type="mdex:string"/>
               <cs:AttributeMetadata name="numtransactions" type="mdex:long"/>
                  <cs:attribute name="DimDate_MonthName" type="mdex:string">July</cs:attribute>
                  <cs:attribute name="numtransactions" type="mdex:long">86</cs:attribute>
                  <cs:attribute name="DimDate_MonthName" type="mdex:string">February</cs:attribute>
                  <cs:attribute name="numtransactions" type="mdex:long">23</cs:attribute>

I want to get the ResultRecords elements.

I either get 0 recs on the edge or null.

Is there any way to:
1. Just extract the whole element and let me parse it later in the workflow?
2. Map in the typical XML fashion to get Records like this:
DimDate_MonthName numtransactions
July 86
February 23

Tried many different permutations of mappings…I do see this warning (had to select SubType on Content Elements, since it can return different items).

WEB_SERVICE_CLIENT1: Mapping error - Unknown element ‘TypeOverride’ is ignored with all it’s child elements.

If I remove the “override” from the source it still runs without that error/warning and still returns nothing.


Figured it out.

Had to remove the

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ns="" xmlns:typ="">

parts. Basically just keep what was between the tags. Tricky since it threw no errors.