Xml extract component not working


I’ve been using the xml extract component before and I’d never had a problem with it. However, I was using it today and I ran into an issue that I’ve been trying to figure out the whole day. I have an xml file, its a response from a soap request and its like this:

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
      <GetOrderListResponse xmlns="http://api.channeladvisor.com/webservices/">
               <OrderResponseItem xsi:type="q1:OrderResponseDetailComplete" xmlns:q1="http://api.channeladvisor.com/datacontracts/orders">
                  <q1:DateCancelledGMT xsi:nil="true"/>
                     <q1:PaymentType>Personal Check</q1:PaymentType>
                     <q1:PhoneNumberDay>(877) 123-4567</q1:PhoneNumberDay>
                           <q1:ShippingClass>2 Day</q1:ShippingClass>
                     <q1:EstimatedShipDate xsi:nil="true"/>
                     <q1:DeliveryDate xsi:nil="true"/>
                        <q1:OrderLineItemItem xsi:type="q1:OrderLineItemItemResponse">
                           <q1:UnitWeight UnitOfMeasure="LB">0</q1:UnitWeight>
                           <q1:DistributionCenterCode>Pembroke Pines</q1:DistributionCenterCode>
               <OrderResponseItem xsi:type="q2:OrderResponseDetailComplete" xmlns:q2="http://api.channeladvisor.com/datacontracts/orders">
                  <q2:DateCancelledGMT xsi:nil="true"/>
                           <q2:ShippingClass>Next Day Air</q2:ShippingClass>
                     <q2:EstimatedShipDate xsi:nil="true"/>
                     <q2:DeliveryDate xsi:nil="true"/>
                        <q2:OrderLineItemItem xsi:type="q2:OrderLineItemItemResponse">
                           <q2:UnitWeight UnitOfMeasure="LB">0</q2:UnitWeight>
                           <q2:DistributionCenterCode>Pembroke Pines</q2:DistributionCenterCode>
                        <q2:OrderLineItemItem xsi:type="q2:OrderLineItemItemResponse">
                           <q2:Title>Title for ABC870</q2:Title>
                           <q2:UnitWeight UnitOfMeasure="LB">0</q2:UnitWeight>
                           <q2:DistributionCenterCode>Pembroke Pines</q2:DistributionCenterCode>

I used the xml extract component to read it in then generated the xsd using the button found on the component itself. I then proceed in mapping the elements. However, when I ran my graph it says successful but its not pulling any records from my xml file. I’m not sure what’s going on. Please help. Thanks.

Hi noob27,

on my 3.2.1, proper XSD is generated and when I prepare some mapping, it produces records on edges. So I would guess you have problem in your mapping. Please send me your graph.

Hi Kubusj,

Thanks for the quick response.

I’ve attached my xml data source and the sample graph I’ve made that doesn’t show records on the edge. It runs successfully but doesn’t pass any record on the output port.

Hi noob27,

I don’t know how you created your mapping, but from my wizard was exported:

	<Mapping element="{http://api.channeladvisor.com/datacontracts/orders}ShippingInfo" outPort="0">

…which works.

Hi kubosj,

When I created my mapping it’s almost the same as what you have but without the url. Its like this:

I copy pasted your code to my source tab in my xml extract component but it doesn’t work. When I click on OK then went back in to the component it changes it back to just:

I don’t know why its doing that. Please help.



which version of Designer you use?

There are some issues with lost mapping reported in our jira.