HI all,
I am having a bit of an issue with the XMLExtract component.
I have an XML file as my input and the corresponding xsd.
So I created an XMLExtract element, added the xml file in the file url field and the xsd in the Schema field.
But, when I click the Mapping field I get an error saying that the XML schema is not valid.
The xsd has been validated using three different softwares, so I am pretty confident it is ok.
Attached are the xml and xsd files I am using.
Also, I’m using version 2.9.7.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hello Eran,
I’ve checked it in different versions of CloverETL and the results are not really optimistic:
CloverETL Designer 2.9.7 reports invalid schema
CloverETL Designer 3.0.2 opens the editor, but the xsd schema is not displayed in mapping - I’ve reported the problem to our bug tracking system (https://bug.javlin.eu/browse/CLD-2460, use guest/guest credentials to login)
CloverETL Designer 3.1 works properly, but is not available yet (release planned for June 2011)
Thanks for the response.
That’s a bummer… 
Any other suggestions on how I can do this?
Extracting of xml file should work properly in CLoverETL Engine, so if you write the mapping manually (in source tab) the XMLExtract should be able to parse the input file.