I am using Clover to process some data and right it to a csv file.
Thing is I want the csv headers (first line) to be named a bit differently than the fields given in the metadata.
e.g. If I have a field name NumberOfCustomers I want it to appear as “Number Of Customer” in the csv file header. (mind the space between the words).
Is it possible to achieve in Clover ?
and ofcourse i meant “write a csv file” not “right …”
You would need to add the graph branch, that does the task, before the writing:
DataGenerator → DataWriter
with the code like:
import org.jetel.component.DataRecordGenerate;
import org.jetel.data.DataRecord;
import org.jetel.exception.ComponentNotReadyException;
import org.jetel.exception.TransformException;
import org.jetel.metadata.DataRecordMetadata;
public class CreateHeader extends DataRecordGenerate {
DataRecordMetadata outputMetadata;
public boolean init() throws ComponentNotReadyException {
outputMetadata = getDataRecordMetadata("Metadata0");
return true;
public int generate(DataRecord[] arg0) throws TransformException {
for (int i = 0; i < arg0[0].getNumFields(); i++) {
return 0;
private String transformName(int fieldNumber) {
StringBuffer name = new StringBuffer(outputMetadata.getField(fieldNumber).getName());
for (int i = 1; i < name.length(); i++) {//i starts with 1 as we don't want space before the first letter
if (Character.isUpperCase(name.charAt(i))) {
name.insert(i, ' ');
i++;//move after capital letter
return name.toString();
Don’t forget to change append attribute to true in the Writer, that writes data.
thanks for the reply avackova.
How do I use this datagenerator in my graph ? (As I see it does not have any input ports only one output port)
I am new to the Clover so branching a graph is not something I am familiar with.
My graph reads a large number of records and transforms them into a csv file using a universal writer.
I do not undestand how to incorporate your example with my graph. (which looks in short like : reader–>reformat–>aggregate–>writer)
Can you please explain ?
Thanks alot !
Please try the attached graph.
Note, that:
Metadata on Edge2 corresponds with metadata on Edge1, but it have all fields of the type string
Both DataWriters have the same fileURL, but the append attribute on the second Writer is set to true
Thanks for the reply looks like what I was looking for.
One more thing though, how do I make sure the headers will always be written before the actual data ?
the branch DataGenerator → Writer needs to run in earlier phase, than the rest of the graph (in attached example header is saved in phase 0 and data in phase 1).