UPDATE: Parallel Inserts HELP

I want to modify my graph to use the batch mode feature of the DB_OUTPUT_TABLE component like this:

DB_INPUT (select * from table where product in ‘A’,‘B’)
DB_OUTPUT_TABLE…commit=“2500” batchMode=“Yes” batchSize=“2500”

BUT…I read the Oracle doc for my JDBC driver and discovered that these JDBC properties could be added in my connection CONFIG file (values arbitrarly chosen):


Will Clover ignore these JDBC properties at runtime or Will these JDBC properties be used instead of the properties of my DB_OUTPUT_TABLE component (…commit=“2500” batchMode=“Yes” batchSize=“2500”…)???

Any ideas?? Thanks in advance for your comments.


Whatever is specified at CONFING file level is propagated to JDBC driver when connection is created.

If your component which is using such connection object has its own parameters, then they precede/overwrite defaults from CONFIG file.

In other words, if you specify batchSize at DB_OUTPUT_TABLE level, then this will overwrite your defaultBatch.
