The directory listing works ok using wildcard filter (*.csv), but it seems that it’s unable to recognise the encoded URI for the file
---------------------------------------------------- Error details ------------------------------------------------------
Component [List EOD Files:LIST_EOD_FILES] finished with status ERROR. (Out0: 0 recs)
Failed to list ftp://user:mypass@ftp.myserver:21/EODReports/Process/*.csv
[color=#008040] Directory listing failed
File not found: "ftp://user:mypass@ftp.myserver:21/EODReports/Process/DailyTrans%20191220142232.csv[/color]"
This is currently preventing me from successfully evaluating CloverETL server. Can someone from CloverETL team confirm if there is a known issue with file URL’s with white spaces?
coud you please tell us what CloverETL version do you use?
I am using CloverETL Server
M. Elshami
Hi M. Elshami,
In general, CloverETL handles spaces in names very well. I have test exactly same file name you use on our FTP server (Pure-FTPd) and it works great. So maybe the issue lays in access rights, FTP server type, or something like that.
I would suggest following to debug:
Try to run your graph with DEBUG log level (Configuring the Graph Run resp. Program Arguments) and post (please remove credentials) execution log here. Maybe we will see more information.
Try to run same graph on similar FTP folder not containing spaces in file names and then put there file with space and run again. This should help us to be sure that problem is really spaces in file names.
What FTP server do you use, please?
Do you have access to FTP server logs? Maybe something interesting could be found there.
I hope this helps.
Hi Jaroslav
Thanks a lot for your reply.
I’ve performed to runs in debug mode.
a) ftp_log1_success.txt: filename with no spaces (used _ in the filename).
b) ftp_log2_fail.txt: filename with spaces.
3.What FTP server do you use, please?
The ftp server is Microsoft Ftp Service (we deal with various numbers of OS including Solaris, RedHat and Windows). There is no single unified FTP server corporate wide.
4.Do you have access to FTP server logs? Maybe something interesting could be found there.
I don’t have access to server logs. If it will help, I can arrange for a local installation of FTP service and peform more testing.
Please note that, we already have our own in house built ETL engine that handles the FTP server I am currently testing against.
M. Elshami
Hi M. Elshami,
your .txt files are not attached, probably because .txt extension were not allowed. I changed forum settings, can you please attach them?
Thank you!
Here is the attachments again.
Thank you for logs. We are investigating now but it will take few days. We will let you know when we will have results.
Thank you for patience.
We have been trying to reproduce the issue with the same settings (based on the log) as you. During the testing we didn’t experience any issue, so could you please provide us with a few more details – we are especially interested in your IIS version, and any further information about your environment (whether you are behind a proxy etc.)
Thank you
Thanks for getting back to me.
I will perform the testing on other FTP servers and provide you with more details.