Unable to add parameters for JobFlow via "Launch Services"

I am running tomcat version of CloverETL Server to create a launch services for a JobFlow. I successfully create the launch service, but there is no “New Property” button on the “Edit parameters” tab in order to map parameters to the job flow. According to the documentation, graph/jobflow are supposed to be able to use the “Edit parameters” tab, but without a “New Property” button, I see no way of adding creating one.

I do see the “New Property” button, when I created a launch service for a graph rather than a jobflow.

Any ideas?

Dear Anita,

Launch Services are primarily using dictionary for passing parameters. So the message “Launch configuration has no graph dictionary properties.” you see means that you should add some dictionary entries defining parameters. Please take a look into directory of your existing graphs - it should contain some items.

If you need to pass Launch Service parameter as Graph parameter you can set “Set as graph parameter” option in Edit parameters dialog.

I hope this helps.