Transform return type

i reactivate etl license but executing my old graph from eclipse with clover gui, this error appear:

INFO [WatchDog] - Sucessfully started all nodes in phase!
Exception in thread “REFORMAT_PRA” java.lang.AbstractMethodError: ..transform([Lorg/jetel/data/DataRecord;[Lorg/jetel/data/DataRecord;)I
at org.jetel.component.Reformat.execute(
at Source)
INFO [WatchDog] - ---------------------** Start of tracking Log for phase [0] **-------------------

If i launch the graph execution from os prompt, with clover engine 2.3.4 (the old one i used when i create the graph) everything is fine.
I tried to create another reformat block with new gui e reconvert the code in java… surprising i discover that java transform method signature return type is changed from boolean to integer…is it the problem?
So i want to know how use the new license and gui (2.1.1) with old engine in eclipse.
However, i finally use the graph in java code (for this reason it’s important to use engine 2.3.4) with these instructions:

URL fileURL = null;
fileURL = FileUtils.getFileURL(fileURL, strUrlGraph);
InputStream inStream = fileURL.openStream();


TransformationGraph graph = null;
TransformationGraphXMLReaderWriter graphReader = null;

graph = new TransformationGraph();
graphReader = new TransformationGraphXMLReaderWriter(graph);

ConfigurationStatus status = graph.checkConfig(null);
Result graphResult = Result.N_A;
graphResult =;
if (graphResult == Result.FINISHED_OK) {

you can run graph from GUI with different engine (Window → Preferences → Clover.ETL), but editing graph in newer GUI can cause that the graph will not execute with older engine.

Now, trying to execute my graph from eclipse with old engine, it raises
Unknown option: -waitForJMXClient

The question i asked u is if the problem is the return type in the transform method…

In any case, how can i use the old gui with old engine?

Tnx in advance!

If you have evaluation license it is not possible to get older gui. If you have commercial license write your request to