SQL Statement delimiter for DBExecute


sometimes i want to execute entire program blocks with help of DBExecute, e.g. Oracle pl/sql blocks of the form


As DBExecute uses ‘;’ as fixed statement delimiter for sql statements within the entity, execution will fail.

To overcome this limitation, i made the statement delimiter an optional attribute for the DBExecute XML Node. For example, i can now use the following node definition using the character sequence as delimiter:

<!\[CDATA\[ declare x : integer; begin select count(\*) from aTable into x; end; insert into aTable values.... ; commit; \]\]>

Does anybody else consider a parameterized statement delimiter to be useful? In this case, I’d propose a change request combined with the necessary (and trivial) code change.


Hi !

If I may speak for the development team, this looks like a good enhancement.
If you have the code changes made already, send us (to david.pavlis centrum.cz) the modified source (or better patch) and we make it part of Clover.
Otherwise we can do the modification ourselves.
