Simple http api usernames/password?

Hi Guys,

Hoping you can help me out.
I am attempting to use simple http api in a scripted workflow environment to start/monitor graphs. Problem is the username/password form pops up and halts the flow. Not quite sure how to work around? I think I can turn global security off that will disable but not sure thats a good idea. Is there a way to embed/pass the username/password requests from clover etl server in the http api url request? Any help much appreciated.

Thanks, K.

Hi K.,

Can you please be more specific about where your problem appears?

* You are accessing SOAP/launch service on CloverETL Server?
* You are using HttpConnector/WebServiceClient components?
* ?

Thank you.

Hi There,

Thanks for the reply, let me try and clear this up.
I am using Clover ETL Server.
I am making an HTTP API request to execute a ‘Operation graph_run’. … p-api.html
In this example I am calling a a graph run, example:
http://localhost:8080/clover/request_pr … andbox=mva

This all works fine as described in the docs, the problem is, the Clover ETL server(deployed on WLS) has basic http authentication so any http api requests to execute an Operation graph_run results in a pop-up a basic authentication web form where you need to manually specify the username/password in order to proceed. As I am trying to use http-api requests within workflow this obviously halts the processing until human intervention. So I am trying to figure out a workaround and not sure of the best approach? Disabling any and all security on clover etl server not really an option.

Can the username/password be embedded in the URL requests for simple-http-api requests?

Thanks for your help. K.


As far as I know, all common http clients should handle basic http authentication without any problem. If user works with browser, he gets a login form to fill in credentials. But if user sends his requests using some script, his http client should manage authentication automatically. For example, this is the way for wget:

wget --user=$USER --password=$PASS -O ./$OUTPUT_FILE $REQUEST_URL

Credentials can not be a part of http request, it would be a serious security threat.

If the abovementioned does not help you, please, send me some information about the way you are using CloverETL Server HTTP API and generally about your task. Thank you.

Best regards,

Hi Lubos,

Yes my thoughts exactly.

Bottom line, we are running a PHP based application on another server and would like php to handle and execute the clover simple-http-api request. So I need to get php to authenticate and then execute. Any help much appreciated.

Thanks, K

Hello again,

Did you try exec function with wget command? … parameters

Best regards,