Samba's URL incorrect translation by Designer


I found strange error working with samba.

When I choose component for copying or moving files and in URL Dialog within designer I try to define remote files - Windows Share (Samba) - Source file which is on Windows shared folder, then via designer, If I set password with asterisk (*) - there is no problem to validate connection.
After successful validation I am allowed to browse folders via samba on shared windows folder and choose the file to copy or move.

But, when I close URL Dialog, URL for samba contains asterisk (*) as it is and therefore component fails!
I must manualy exchange asterisk for %2A to successfuly run the component and to connect.

If my password contains character “@” it is correctly written as %40 after I close URL Dialog, because it is one of the main characters for samba URL definition, but some “not so important”, but also key characters, were maybe left out…

URL Dialog obviously correctly translates asterisk to %2A while establishing or validating connection, but it does not change URL used for connection when component is executed by graf or job…

Is this something already reported as a bug or am I the first one who ran to this problem…?
Or - am I doing something wrong (is it my fault…)?

Thank you for help

Hi Tomas,

there is nothing you are missing. You seem to be the first one how has run into the issue so far. I can reproduce the issue on our side. So far it seems the issue happens only when asterisk is used in URL. I have created a new ticket for the issue:
Potential workaround is already mentioned encoded form of asterisk in URL (%2A).

Thank you.