Problem with metadata creation

I recently integrated Clover ETL in myEclipse, while creating metadata(datbase), clover wizard extracts the database schema and displays the tables list with the provided database connection, generated the query with ganerate button, then validates the query with validate button, after that, it dont let me to move forward, the view button not getting records and shows SQL Error as “Database access error occurs: null”, next button not working but shows a message as “metadata extracted” but not changing to next screen. I am using MSSQL server, please help me to solve this problem,

thanks in advance
Krishna Sumanth

Hello, this is really strange. Is validation message “Query valid”? Is there any message in Error log? Without more information it is very hard to say anything more. You can try to use different jdbc driver or (as a workaround) dynamic metadata (see DB Unload Universal example)