Postgres Driver and Serial data type


We are having an issue using the postgres driver when the column data type is serial. We have a situation where we insert values into a serial column in order like “insert into [table] (serial_col) values (1),(2),(3),(4)” and that works fine. However when the DBInputTable component and selecting the data “select serial_col from [table]”, we get the values 0,1,2,3. We tested this further by trying “insert into [table] (serial_col) values (101),(102),(103),(104)” and then “select serial_col from [table]”, we still get the values 0,1,2,3.

Has anyone else experienced this?


I wasn’t able to reproduce the issue. When I insert some values into the serial data type, I’m able to read the correct values afterwards. Please, try to enter some custom values to the serial data type via PostgreSQL command line. Try to read it and if the result looks as you would expect, please provide me with the following.

1. Which version of the PostreSQL database are you using?
2. Which version of the JDBC driver are you using?
3. Is this a CloverETL Server project or local (Designer) project?
4. Which version of the Designer and/or CloverETL Server are you using?
5. Please send me your graph. Feel free to remove any sensitive information from it.

Thank you.