Persisting a value from one graph execution to the next

I have a requirement to capture the last run key from a graph execution. Store it and then re-inject this in the reader for the next run (in order to incrementally pull only new records). The challenge is the source is and HTTP connection and I do not have access to write to a RDBMS. Does Clover have a mechanism that will allow this( Without writing to file and joining this back in)?

when executing the graph through the HTTP Api (see Operation graph_run), eg. from HttpConnector component you get a runId as output, so you can use it for configuring the next Reader.

Sorry for the confusion, but I am not executing a graph through the HTTP API I am utilizing a HTTP connector inside of the graph to source data from a REST API (e.g. Twitter search API ). To prevent me from pulling the same data again and again. Twitter provides a id which I can concatenate with the url to only pull records since the last time I ran. Currently I am storing this value in a flat file and joining this back in but it is sloppy.

this is proper approach. Our incremental reading uses the external file for storing the incremental key also.

You can also use parameters for this purpose:
1. create a separate parameter file twitter.prm holding parameter TWITTER_ID (do that in gui to have the syntax correct).
2. in the graph, use syntax ${TWITTER_ID} to access the actual parameter value.
3. at the end of the graph run, overwrite twitter.prm file with updated value of TWITTER_ID.

Note: When overwriting the twitter.prm file, you need to make sure that the resulting file has correct syntax.

I would also recommend to make the implementation fail-proof, i.e, handle case when the twitter.prm file gets corrupted or empty.


I originally started with this approach; however I had issues with the parameter file being overwritten even if no records were processed. Without writing my own null handling logic is their a way to avoid this (eg using partitions on the writer)?

Partitioning using lookup table which would put null values into different file should work. Sample implementation attached. The ${LOOKUP_DIR}/OutputPartitioningTest.dat file contents should be
