Is there a way to pass a graph execution id variable as a parameter to a graph through event listener? Within the listener service, you can have an email message sent that interprets variables like ${run.graphId} and fills in the email message. I want to pass this as a parameter to another graph. All I get though, is the string ‘${run.graphId}’ instead of interpreting the variable for its value.
all parameters which are accessible in the graph as a placeholders are listed in graph’s log.
These parameters are available if graph is executed by “graph event listener”. All parameters are related to the source of the event.
“event_timeout” makes sense only for graph timeout event.
Variables accessible in email/jms templates are something different. These templates can operate with complex data structures, whereas graph parameters may be just simple values.
Best regards,
Thank you for the help. event_run_graph is what I was looking for.
How do you use a C++ program to execute another program with a parameter/variable? I need a program to execute a simulation program a specific number of times. Each time the simulation should be slightly different, so I created a variable that makes the appropriate changes. How can I make a program both run the simulation AND specify the parameter? I can also change the simulation if I have to.