Parametrized SQL query


I am wondering if it is possible to parametrized DBInput with fields from other input, as it seems to be possible to be done with the SQL writer thanks to “cloverFields” (cf: … g_id=28050 )
The use case is : After an intersection between two databases, I found somes tuple which are only in DB A. Now, I want to use one field (F) in these tuples as a key for another request in database C, but I don’t want to load in memory all the tuple from C and then filter on F. Well, I think that my english is bad, and my explanation is bad too…
So, what matter is : I don’t want to use too much memory when possible, how could I do ?

Ok, thanks for your response. I had a look at this class to understand how to implement an LDAP reader component, and I think it would be fine.

Hi !

I thing I understand what you would like to do. Unfortunately DBInputTable component does not have this functionality now (as of Clover 1.9).

Itis not very difficult to add it there but you will have to wait for some future release.

Aside the fact you can create your own version of DBInputTable, you could try to use DBLookupTable (not a component, but class you can use in reformat code) which basically can do something similar - but only if the amout of data read from DB is not very large.
