Order of Child Nodes within an Parent Node - XML Writer


I am having a problem ordering child nodes within a parent node through the XML Writer.

For example.

If I have a parent node…

Snow White Walt Disney 123456789

Child node…

London Manchester

I need to add a child node which I am able to do into the node, however I need to have the order in a particular sequence due to schemas.
The Child node needs to appear in between certain tags of the parents.

This is what I would like to have…

Snow White Walt Disney London Manchester 123456789

This is currently what Clover XML Writer produces.
Clover puts the child node at the bottom of the parent node.

Snow White Walt Disney 123456789 London Manchester

Is there anyway to do this?
Is there anyway to control the sequencing within the XML Writer?


Hi Mike,

it’s not possible to change order of elements in current version.

Anyway, you may use XSL transformer component
http://wiki.cloveretl.org/doku.php?id=c … sformation
for post-processing XML file.
Create next phase in your graph and put XSL transformer into it.
Don’t connect any edges to in/out ports, just set attributes xmlInputFile(the same as output of XmlWriter) and xmlOutputFile.

Martin Varecha