While working with a multilevel reader I changed one of the ports metedata from “fixed” to “mixed” type. After that the graph throws an exception saying Metadata type ‘M’ is not supported. I just changed the type, I did not do anything else, I did not define delimiters or anything else. The record already had a delimiter for end of line. The idea is to have the last field on the record to be delimited since it may vary slighlty in size once in awhile and the data in that field is not important for the process.
Is there anything else I need to do to have this working?
Here is the full Exception I am getting:
ERROR [WatchDog] - Graph execution finished with error
ERROR [WatchDog] - Node MULTI_LEVEL_READER0 finished with status: ERROR caused by: Component pre-execute initialization failed. An error occured while switching input file C:\XXXXXX.DAT, the file will be ignored caused by: Metadata type 'M' is not supported.
ERROR [WatchDog] - Node MULTI_LEVEL_READER0 error details:
Element [MULTI_LEVEL_READER0:MultiLevelReader]-Component pre-execute initialization failed. An error occured while switching input file C:\XXXXXX.DAT, the file will be ignored caused by: Metadata type 'M' is not supported.
at org.jetel.graph.Node.run(Node.java:418)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:619)
Caused by: An error occured while switching input file C:\XXXXXX.DAT, the file will be ignored caused by: Metadata type 'M' is not supported.
at org.jetel.util.MultiFileReader.init(MultiFileReader.java:125)
at com.opensys.cloveretl.component.MultiLevelReader.preExecute(Unknown Source)
at org.jetel.graph.Node.run(Node.java:416)
... 1 more
Caused by: org.jetel.exception.JetelException: An error occured while switching input file C:\XXXXXX.DAT, the file will be ignored caused by: Metadata type 'M' is not supported.
at org.jetel.util.MultiFileReader.nextSource(MultiFileReader.java:291)
at org.jetel.util.MultiFileReader.init(MultiFileReader.java:119)
... 3 more
Caused by: Metadata type 'M' is not supported.
at com.opensys.cloveretl.data.parser.a.a(Unknown Source)
at com.opensys.cloveretl.data.parser.a.setDataSource(Unknown Source)
at org.jetel.util.MultiFileReader.nextSource(MultiFileReader.java:280)
... 4 more