Hello Support
we have two metadata like follow in Sandbox ,
now i have to create a metadata(i.e COUNTRY_COMBINED.fmt) which is a combination of both ,but incase any of the parent meta data is modified then the child meta data should automaticaly resolve the changes , Will it be possible in CLover , I am not looking for a solution that already availble in Designer , right click on meta of Graph from Outline → Newmetadata → Merge existing
Thanks ,
There is no direct way to accomplish this, but you can definitely use Jobflows and create merged metadata using XMLWriter. The following is the steps to accomplish this:
Use XMLExtract to extract the name and type from your metadata fmt files.
Use SimpleGather to join both fmt files together.
Use ExtSort and Dedub to remove any duplicate values.
Use XMLWriter to create a new fmt file with the combine data.
[list:48cn54le][*:48cn54le]Root Element should be called Record with attributes (e.g. fieldDelimiter, recordDelimiter,name)
Have a Child Element called Field with attributes name and type (this is where you will map your edges)
Run a Jobflow with ExecuteGraph, if you add any new field to the parent metadata.
I have also taken the liberty of adding an example server project with this process.