Loading all records of a Lookup Table in Custom Java Transformer

I have created a custom java transformer and want to read all the data from a look up table.

In the graph, I first populate look up table from an excel sheet. It has 3 records and I confirmed that all the 3 records exists in look up table. However in my java code, I can only see one record when I try to read it.

The Key for look up table is called “Key” field and has 0 as value in all 3 records. Here is my Java code

	private void loadAllLookUpRecords() {
		try {
			System.out.println("Loading loadAllLookUpRecords");

			LookupTable lt;
			lt = getGraph().getLookupTable(LOOKUP_TABLE_ID);
			DataRecord patternRecord = DataRecordFactory.newRecord(lt
			String[] lookupFields = { "Key" };
			RecordKey recordKey = new RecordKey(lookupFields, lt.getMetadata());

			Lookup lookup;
			lookup = lt.createLookup(recordKey, patternRecord);

			System.out.println("lookup Size :: " + lookup.getNumFound());

			while (lookup.hasNext()) {
				System.out.println("Look up records Found");
				DataRecord record = lookup.next();
			System.out.println("AllLookUpRecords Size :: " + allLookupDataRecords.size());

		} catch (Exception ex) {
			throw new JetelRuntimeException(ex);


lookup.getNumFound() always returns 1 record. I will really appreciate if someone can point in right direction to load all data from lookup table. Thanks, Paresh


Could you please tell me what kind of LookUp Table you are utilizing? If it’s a Simple lookup table, please make sure to check if the Allow key duplicates is enabled in your lookup table settings.


Thank you. As you suggested just had to check " Allow key duplicates" and that fixed the issue. Thanks