We have a graph that has been running along fine until last week. I see a message in the log that I suspect is part of the problem:
WARNING ! Ldap Search request reach server size limit !
Any ideas about this message? My system administrator bumped up the limit on the domain controller but we still get the error. Is there a setting in clover that is related? I have not found one.
I will send a log to support@cloveretl.com.
We are definitely hitting a limit. I get the same result from another LDAP client.
It is cutting off at 20,000. As mentioned in original post, we found the 20k limit on the LDAP server and it has been increased, however Clover seems unaware of the increased limit. Or Clover has a 20k limit stored somewhere itself.
I will try again to work with my LDAP administrator. Please let me know if any other ideas.