I posted about this issue yesterday and still have not received any reply. With the community being so small, it’s hard to find resources for this online besides this forum. I hate to keep nagging but can i get some issue or direction with this?
I’ve completely cleared my project space, i’ve deleted the graph and started a new one. this is ridiculous.
Launch configuration fda_filings_510K.grf references non-existing project msharif-dev.
Im not a mater on this, but may worth to check in there (hint):
Window=>Preferences=>Run/Debug=>Launching=>Launch Configurations.
May ‘Delete configurations when associated resource is deleted’ can help.
Regards: Andrase
(forum member, not Clover support)
p.s.: as i see, its a not a ‘5 minute fast turnaround’ forum, but things usually its turn out sooner or later…
Based on the error that you provided it appears the Project is not a CloverDX Project. Please make sure when create creating a Project you select File → New → CloverDX Project or if you are using a CloverDX Server choose CloverDX Server Project.
If this does not help, please share a screenshot of the error when it appears.
That didnt work for me. I’m on version 4.9 if that makes a difference.
Hi Mohamed,
I believe Andras is correct, it appears the cause of the error because the Designer is trying to run a graph that no longer exist in the project. This usually occurs if you are simply clicking on the Start button of the Clover Designer. I would recommend that you go to Run - Run Configuration and delete all run configurations. This is an issue in the Eclipse itself thus in the future, If you wish to run a graph I would recommend right clicking and choosing Run Clover Graph or Ctrl + R.