Iterating graph call within jbf/Force refresh dynamic metadata

Hi all,

I have a question.
Here’s what I want to achieve:
I have a jobflow, its first step is to read a list of service names from a database table. Secondly it calls a child graph by passing each of the service names fetched in the first step.
In the child graph, with the service name passed in as a parameter, it will refresh the dynamic metadata by querying an associated database table with the parameter used in the where clause. For each service name passed into the child-graph, the metadata is expected to be refreshed.

I tried to directly link the DBInputTable with ExecuteGraph, the first service name passed into ExecuteGraph worked, but the second went into an error as the dynamic metadata stayed at the first service name. According to your online doc, dynamic metadata only gets refreshed at runtime only. Therefore I’m wondering if there’s a way to iterate child-graph call or force refresh dynamic metadata.


In fact, that could be caused couple of things. I’d start with checking if select query in sqlQuery attribute of metadata record uses parameter which is suppose to contain desired table name and if that parameter is in fact passed in Input mapping for ExecuteGraph in your jobflow.

Would it be possible for you to share graph and jobflow in question? (make sure database connections are either deleted or with credentials cleared)