this should work. Which version of GUI and engine are you using? Are you sure that the metadata file is valid? The comment for the metadata parameter ("/* … */) is not in the graph XML file, I suppose? You could post the graph and the metadata file here.
I don’t understand. My metadata file is dynamic. I think that it’s just that CloverGUI generates an error while parsing a graph file within the fileURL property of metadata node is not a real path but à property like “${xxxx}”.
Pls, check if you set correctly path name ( “c:\table\customer.fmt” is interpreted as “c: able\customer.fmt”, for “c:\table\customer.fmt” you should have "c:\\table\customer.fmt).
I can’t recreate this issue. Pls check what is written as reason (on the end of log should be something like that:
Caused by: java.io.IOException: Can’t read metadata definition file: metadata\delimited\employeeDB.fmt (No such file or directory)
at org.jetel.metadata.MetadataFactory.fromFile(MetadataFactory.java:62)
at org.jetel.graph.TransformationGraphXMLReaderWriter.instantiateMetadata(TransformationGraphXMLReaderWriter.java:312)
When I execute a graph it works great. The ${metadata} can be any path.
I repeat it’s just a display issue under Eclipse in other perspective than Clover.ETL one.