Hi, I’m a new CloverETL user. We’ve been asked at the office to evaluate a couple ETL solutions and I’m assigned to CloverETL. So far, I’m very happy with it and trying to convert the other evaluators.
Anyway, I’ve managed to start reading and writing to database tables. What I’ve noticed though is that after inserting to a table, my script fails on the second run due to primary key duplicates. Not doing anything really fancy here; just read data off one table, grab a subset of columns, then dump it into my new table. In the other ETL tools we evaluated, there’s usually an option (usually a checkbox) that signifies that we want to do an update if the primary key exists and insert a new row if it doesn’t, so I also checked if there was such an option. I saw this existing thread, but I think the OP is already able to do updates, so he’s a few steps ahead of me.
Am I looking at this in the wrong way or did I miss something really obvious?