I require to parse e-mail and generate a set of properties like from, to, attachments, etc. What is the best way to send complex data structures between nodes (like set of attachments) ? How to parse this info on the target node ?
I am not sure what you are trying to do, but if you need to move
large amounts of data between nodes, put the content into BYTE field or CBYTE (compressed) field.
Also, have a look at http://wiki.cloveretl.org/doku.php?id=c … _constants as you will probably need to change RECORD_MAX_SIZE parameter.
I require to transmit variable number of fields between custom nodes, e. g.:
field names:
How can I do this?
Well, this is a bit tricky - with the current state of art in Clover. We work on making it standard part of Clover, but for now, I see two options:
a) if you can pass the data in string form, then use one long string field and choose delimiter between individual values. You may then use internal transformation language to work with it - it has join( , ) method which you may use for formating set of fields into string with specified delimiter and then split(,) to get individual values from it.
b) for large values, do something similar with BYTE/CBYTE type of field - this would need some transformations in Java to handle such data.