How to Duplicate SandBox

Hi all,

This is a silly question but I connect to Clover Server and I want to duplicate a sandbox. But I have no copy to push button or contextual menu.

Could you tell me how to do it?

I tried Create an nerw SandBOx and then Upload the Zip File of the Sandbox I want to duplicate

Thanx for your answers.

Hello EBS-discovery,
creating a new sandbox and uploading a zip file of the sandbox you need to copy is certainly one of the options. Below are 2 other examples of how the sandbox duplication can be accomplished. Worth noting though is that none of the available options is as easy as clicking a single copy button.

  • You can create a brand new sandbox in the CloverETL Server console (Sandboxes > New sandbox) and simply copy the entire content of the original sandbox directory to the new one within the server file system.

  • Another option would be to use the CloverETL Designer to copy the server project. Simply right-click the desired server project, select the Copy option and go on to pasting it within the workspace. This would create an identical copy of the sandbox as a local Designer project. You would go on to convert the local project to a server project (right-click > select the ‘Convert to server project’ option). Note: Make sure to select the ‘Create new sandbox’ radio button on the way.

Best regards,