Has been shut down stream

Long type and blob types at the same time, the court into a problem is derived. Output “has been shut down stream”

source table structure:
create table t1 (c1 blob ,c2 long);

target table structure:
create table t2 (c1 blob ,c2 long);


fmt file:

I haven’t found any problem on MySql database. Isn’t the problem in the metadata? Length and scale can be specified for decimal field only and size shouldn’t be specified fro delimited metadata.

Sorry, my database environment is ORACLE 10g

I thing that problem is in jdbc oracle driver: after calling method getBytes or getBlob can’t be called other type call method. I’ve found workaround to solve your problem: change field’s order in metadata and in sql queries - that means:

- long type in Oracle: Character data of variable length (A bigger version the VARCHAR2 datatype)

and sqlQuery in input table:
select c2, c1 from t1
sqlQuery in output table
insert into (c2, c1) values (?,?)

Thank you very much for the patience to answer, was touched by your professionalism(open sources), this should be oracle jdbc driven bug.