Ok so I have a slightly strange requirement that requires a bit of explaining.
I have the following table layout
| id | reporting_work_task_id | status_id | updated_by | status_entry_date | status_exit_date | sequence |
and the following source data:
| Request Code | Status | Change Date |
now the background to this is a history of all tickets which have changed their status (for example from open, to with someone, to closed). My problem occurs when I need to fill in the status_exit_date which would be set to the next status Change Date from source data. For example ticket A has the history of (from source data):
> Open | 10/08/2014
> With Client | 11/08/2014
> Closed | 12/08/2014
Open should have a status_entry_date of 10/08/2014 and an exit date of 11/08/2014, With Client would be 11/08/2014 and 12/08/2014 respectively and so on.
Now how would I achieve this in clover. I have tried the relational joiner however that seems to be cartesian joining as Open would join to With Client and Closed.
Any help would be appreciated,
Many thanks