External jar in CloverETL server

Dear CloverETL, I am a beginner in CloverETL server.

I made a graph, one of Normalize components use java class.
The class uses two external jar files.
import java.util.List;
import com.opensys.cloveretl.ctl.CTLUtils;
import kr.co.shineware.nlp.komoran.core.MorphologyAnalyzer;
import kr.co.shineware.util.common.model.Pair;

I registered external jar files in Java Build Path at properties of the project.

In local CloverETL, the graph works very well.

but I uploaded this project on CloverETL Server. It does not work.

The error message is below.

------------------------------------ Error details -------------------------------------
Component [Normalizer-KoreanMorpheme:NORMALIZER_KOREAN_MORPHEME] initilization failed.
Cannot link class: com.korean.KoreanMorpheme
com/korean/KoreanMorpheme : Unsupported major.minor version 51.0
2014-07-12 22:48:52,698 INFO 957 [JobFinalizer_957] Finished Status: ERROR

I could not solve this problem, CloverETL server is running on WebLogic server and Linux 6.

Would you guide me?

Thank you,


Hi Bongki,

This error probably means that your java class was compiled using newer version of Java than your CloverETL Server uses. Probably Java 7 used for compiling and Java 6 used in CloverETL Server. Please upgrade your Java to the version used for compiling and the error should disappear.


Dear CloverETL,

Thanks for your support, I recompile java file using the same jdk(jre) version.
The error message is disapeared.

But the graph in CloverETL Server produced the error message, it could not find the external jar file in CloverETL Server.

I don’t know how to registered the class file and external jar on WebLogic Server.

Would you guide me?

I really thanks for any help,

Thank you,


Have you tried adding those files into trans directory of your project? Or setting executor.classpath config property of the whole CloverETL Server?
