Ext Hash Join -CloverETL community Edition

Can anyone help me in joiners
I have two tables
Table1 :
Product Brand Total
A abc 1
A ddd 3
A hhh 4

Table2 :
Product Brand Total
A abc 4
A ddd 2
A hhh 2

By using Exthash Join I am joining Two tables with join key as product and brand.
I am using full outer join still output is showing me with 3 records ie table1 data.
I want output as six records ie 3 records of table1 and 3 records of table2.

Can anyone help me out…

Hi bhavinultimate,

ExtHashJoin works as expected - joins records from 2 (or more) edges by key. In your case it joins together 3 combinations of Table1 and Table2:

[A abc 1] & [A abc 4] (using key A abc)
[A ddd 3] & [A ddd 2] (using key A ddd)
[A hhh 4] & [A hhh 2] (using key A hhh)

And using transformation let you generate 3 output records.

If you just need to collect data from Table1 and Table2 to one edge, you can use SimpleGather (http://doc.cloveretl.com/documentation/ … ather.html) component. In this case it would output 6 records, as you expected.

I hope this helps.

Hi Javlin
Thank a lot

for your help.