Error message

I tried ingesting a tab delimited text file in ETL.It is having only two columns
Name RollNumber
Jiya 56546
Neha 4543543

when i ran the graph ,the error message recevied is given below.Please help me out what this error indicates?

INFO [WatchDog] - Successfully started all nodes in phase!
ERROR [SocketReader] - Received error message from server: Record put for property “Name” must have an assignment in property "mdex-property_Type"ERROR [WatchDog] - Graph execution finished with error

this message is send by custom component (SocketReader). You need to ask provider of this component.

Can you explain me in detail.

the message:

ERROR [SocketReader] - Received error message from server: Record put for property "Name" must have an assignment in property "mdex-property_Type"

is sent by the SocketReader element, which isn’t (I believe) a standard CloverETL component provided by Javlin, but by another vendor (Endeca?). You need to ask the author (provider) of the component for the error explanation.